Finding the right company means doing research, which in this case means asking the right questions. Listed below are questions that should be asked when you are considering a new construction or remodeling project.
What type of background do you have?
Companies that have an established legacy have an established track record that says more than any sales pitch. They likely are bidding the market rate for such projects because they have a strong sense of exactly how much a job will cost. Companies that offer an extremely low bid are more than likely cutting corners or lack the experience and are forced to undercut the opposition. In addition, some companies only focus on specific types of buildings, like office structures or storefronts.
What are some of your past projects?
A firm with any background when it comes to construction on the commercial side will be more than happy to offer up examples of their previous efforts. That is because they know that such work represents the company in the best possible light. It is also appropriate to ask for references to see if past customers were satisfied with their work and whether they have had repeat business from the same company.
What kind of timeline do you have for this project?
Businesses in this field should have a timeline prepared from the moment the design process begins to the actual completion of construction. That schedule should have enough flexibility built in to account for inclement weather or other potential delays, so any company that promises quick completion may again be cutting corners to meet deadlines. With respect to those deadlines, if a firm has a problem meeting them, it is best to walk away.
What is the safety record?
Companies that keep good records on safety concerns and address any problems that develop as quickly as possible are happy to offer them as evidence of their ability to keep a project moving. Workplace injuries slow things down and companies that get defensive about their safety record are usually trying to hide something, which serves as a major red flag. Working with a company that takes a careless approach to the vital concept of safety no doubt will do it in other areas.
For more information about selecting the right commercial construction company, contact MAC today.